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۱۹ مرداد، ۱۳۹۰

چند ویدئو از شورش در بریتانیا خارج از گستره رسانه های رسمی

از آخر هفته گذشته قیام لندن رسانه ای شد. این قیام فقرا است. این خیزش جوانان است که علیه حذف و تقلیل خدمات اجتماعی معترضند. این اعتراض و مبارزه علیه کنترل راسیستی پلیس است که تاکنون رنگین پوستان زیادی را به گلوله بسته. این قیام انسانهایی است که هیچ راه دیگری جز دفاع از خود در مقابل سرکوب خشن دولتی ندارند. با همبستگی به آنها نشان دهیم که تنها نیستند. ویدئو ای از مصاحبه با فعال قدیمی علیه نژادپرستی- این ویدئو را بی بی سی هرگز دوباره پخش نخواهد کرد.
LONDON -- As political and social protests grip the Middle East, are growing in Europe and a riot exploded in north London this weekend, here's a sad truth, expressed by a Londoner when asked by a television reporter: Is rioting the correct way to express your discontent?
"Yes," said the young man. "You wouldn't be talking to me now if we didn't riot, would you?"
The TV reporter from Britain's ITV had no response. So the young man pressed his advantage. "Two months ago we marched to Scotland Yard, more than 2,000 of us, all blacks, and it was peaceful and calm and you know what? Not a word in the press. Last night a bit of rioting and looting and look around you."
ویدئو: BBC Presenter Attacks Black Veteran Over London Riots
"Darcus Howe, talks so much sense! Blacks have been victimised and purposely targeted by the police for YEARS. This was not solely based on the killing of Mark Duggan, this was all that build up anger, frustration and hatred that young people feel towards society. They take away youth clubs, they take away education, these youths dont see a future for themselves cause its been taken away. The government has made the rich richer and the poor poorer...so this was there "
Darcus Howe: "I don't call it rioting, I call it an insurrection...of the masses of the people. It is happening in Syria, it is happening in Clapham, it's happening in Liverpool, it's happening in Port-au-Spain, Trinidad, and that is the nature of the historical moment."
ویدئوLondon Street Battles: Video of mad clashes, riots out of control
ویدئوLondon Riot Sony Warehouse Burning 2011
ویدئوRiot madness spreads across UK: RT video report from Hackney, London
 Violence, vandalism and looting has now spread from London to Birmingham and Liverpool. In all three cities rioters are clashing with police, torching buildings and cars. It follows unrest over the weekend after a 29 year-old-man was shot dead by police.
Latest updates say 26 police officers have been injured and 43 people arrested as violent riots flared up in north London. Two patrol cars, a building and a double-decker bus were torched as rioters clashed with officers on Saturday in front of the Tottenham Police Station, where people had gathered to demand "justice" for the death of a man identified locally as Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old father of four, killed in an apparent gunfight. More than 300 were involved in what began as a march to demand justice for the killing.

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