فیلم و کلیپ



۲۸ شهریور، ۱۳۹۰

پخش مستقیم" روز خشم" از میدان تحریرآمریکا = وال استریت

بهار عربی به امریکا رسید.

هم اکنون در نیویورک  جنبش اشغال خیابان وال استریت در حال انجام است. لینک زیر بصورت همزمان تصویر آن را پخش میکند


دوستان برای حمایت از متحصنین در نیویورک لینک پخش مستقیم از وال استریت را فعال نگه داریم. تعداد زیاد بیننده امکان سرکوب تظاهرات  را کم میکنه.
کامپیوتر ها را امشب (امروز) اگر امکانش را دارید خاموش نکنید.

Anonymous Occupy Wall Street Sep17 Review Day #1   film
Anonymous Occupy Wall Street Sep18 Review Day #2  film
Occupy wall street protest by Anoymous 9/19/11   film
Roseanne Barr Speaks to Wall Street Protesters...#occupywallstreet..  film
  film  Anonymous - Operation WallStreet

The People's Bailout
Thousands occupy Wall Street against wealthy banksters
Occupy Wall Street - 5 Minutes of Slow Motion Video - September 17  film
Is Yahoo Mail blocking emails that mention Occupy Wall Street? #OccupyWallStreet
Talking with an #OccupyWallStreet Organizer   film
Occupy Wall Street 9/17/2011 Protest Rally  film
Occupy Wall Street -- America's own Arab Spring?  film
September 19, 2011
democracynow   film
Occupy Wall Street": Thousands March in NYC Financial District, Set Up Protest Encampment
Demonstrators are marching on Wall Street today on the third day of a campaign dubbed "Occupy Wall Street," which began on Saturday when thousands gathered in New York City’s Financial District. Inspired by the massive public protests in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and Madrid’s Puerta del Sol Square, hundreds have slept outside near Wall Street for the past two nights. We play a video report on the protest by Democracy Now!'s Sam Alcoff and get a live update from the streets from Nathan Schneider, editor of the blog "Waging Nonviolence." We also speak with David Graeber, an anthropologist who participated in the activities. "If you look at who showed up [in Egypt and Spain], it was mostly young people, and most of them were people who had gone through the educational system, who were deeply in debt, and who found it completely impossible to get jobs," says Graeber. "The system has completely failed them... If there's going to be any kind of society worth living in, we’re going to have to create it ourselves." [includes rush transcript
Faceoff at 55 Wall St.  film
Occupy Wall St. demo Sept. 17, 2011. Marchers leave Zucotti Park to attempt to enter blocked off Wall St. At 55 Wall St. they find the wealthy at play and a faceoff begins.
Sept 17, Day 1   film
Occupy Wall Street -- America's own Arab Spring?  film

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