فیلم و کلیپ



۲۳ مهر، ۱۳۹۰

پخش مستقیم شهرهای رم/ ایتالیا- لندن- نیویورک- ایرلند- تظاهرات رم به خشونت کشیده شد.

Smashed Windows and Torched Cars: Occupy Protests Turn Violent in Rome
Posted on October 15, 2011 at 10:12am

پخش مستقیم از رم/ ایتالیا
La manifestazione di Roma

پخش مستقیم وال استریت/ نیویورک از کانال انقلاب جهانی

پخش مستقیم لندنOccupy London

پخش مستقیم ایرلند
Occupy Dame Street October 8th 2pm Central Bank - Bring Tent

دوستانی که امکان آنلاین شدن بدون محدودیت را دارند، لطفا روی پخش مستقیم کلیک کنیم. تعداد زیاد تماشاگر تظاهرات در سراسر جهان امکان سرکوب خشن معترضین توسط پلیس را کمتر میکند. لطفا در همبستگی با بچه هایی که هنوز در خیابانند آنلاین بمانیم.. سلام ویژه به اکی، آرتامو، سارا و.............. ما بیشمار نیستیم، اما کم هم نیستیم.
Love & anarchy
Which side are you on
The cameras always preceed the actions they take. Notice how they literally stalk these protesters like paprazzi using the video and photos to formulate how best to arrest as many as they can. There are good men and women who wear badges out tthere, and they have to open their eyes and see that these people protesting are not the enemies. They are in the same boat we all are in, and they need to stand with us and help us take down these robber barons on wall street. This depression was their plan to make themselves richer at the expense of permanently enslaving a nation. That is Treason by definition according to the Constitution. And for those power hungry over zealous cops who get their rocks off accosting peaceful protesters, you need to chill the flip out. You make your fellow deputies look bad. And I'm sure they don't appreciate it.
The cameras have been rolling at the Occupy Wall Street protest as well, and intimidation tactics on the part of the police have followed. See the pattern? This time, they have all sorts of camera on them, and THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING

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