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۱۱ آبان، ۱۳۹۰

پخش مستقیم از اعتصاب عمومی در اوکلند/ امریکا

پخش مستقیم از اعتصاب عمومی در اوکلند/ امریکا 2 November
General Strike Shuts Down Oakland. Watch Live!

پخش مستقیم " جنبش اشغال وال استریت" نیویورک
دوستان با روشن نگهداشتن پخش مستقیم و زیاد بودن تعداد تماشا کنندگان سرکوب متحصنین احتمالا میتوان جلوی سرکوب شدید جوانان را گرفت.

در زیر لینک سرکوب جنبش اشغال میادین/ بانکها در 25 اکتبر در اوکلند  video

OCCUPY OAKLAND Police launch tear gas, flash bang canisters into crowd of protesters OWS Wall Street
October 25, 2011 — OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Dozens of police in riot gear and hundreds of protesters in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement engaged in a game of cat-and-mouse in downtown Oakland on Tuesday, with authorities using tear gas to respond to demonstrators' repeated agitations.

آنها با کشتن ما قصد توقف جنبش اشغال بانکها را دارند. استفاده پلیس امریکا ازسلاح مرگبار Bean bag
مردم معترض در اوکلند / کالیفرنیا
Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester  video
Oakland Police Beat a Woman at Occupy Oakland Raid 10-25-11  video
Police brutality near Occupy Oakland  video

چند عکس از سرکوب جنبش اشغال میادین/ بانکها در دنور/ امریکا
Occupy Denver protesters face off with police – Saturday, October 29, 2011
Occupy Denver protesters and law enforcement officers clashed this afternoon after demonstrators marched around downtown Denver for the fourth week in a row. Police confirmed they used pepper spray and either rubber bullets or pepper balls to disperse the crowd in Civic Center. Broadway was closed off at both Colfax and 14th Avenue and a stream of patrol cars, lights flashing and sirens blaring, hurried to the scene. Officers were dressed in riot gear. Denver police spokesman Matt Murray said seven arrests had been made — including two for assault and one for disobedience. He said some protesters had received medical treatment on the scene, but no one had been taken to a hospital.

صحبت تاریخی چارلی چاپلین درحمایت از جنبش اشغال وال استریت
فیلم کامل از صحبتهای یک ارتشی از جبهه برگشته در حمایت از جنبش اشغال وال استریت
[Orignal full version] 1 Marine vs. 30 Cops (By. J. handy)  video
United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas from Roosevelt, NY went toe to toe with the New York Police Department. An activist in the Occupy Wall Street movement, Thomas voiced his opinions of the NYPD police brutality that had and has been plaguing the #OWS movement.

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