فیلم و کلیپ



۲۸ فروردین، ۱۳۹۱

“به جهنم خوش آمدید” فلسطین!

کلیپ موزیک از گروه آناری
Prisoner Of Palestine by the English Anarchist folk band Seize the Day

ندای آزادی :در پی برنامه‌ریزی شماری از کنشگران هوادار فلسطینیان برای سفر دسته جمعی به کرانه‌ی باختری، اسرائیل با تمهیداتی تلاش کرد جلوی آنها را بگیرد.ویدیوی زیر برخورد سربازان اسرائیلی با این کنشگران است
Israeli officer filmed beating pro-Palestinian activist.mov
ویدئو زیر برخورد خشونت بار با آنارشیستهای علیه دیوار
Israeli soldiers beat Jews for helping the enemy
Shocking Clip: Israeli Checkpoint Cruelty
ویدئوی اظهار نظر نژادپرستانه  پاسدارهای چک پوینت اسراعیلی
"Animals. Animals. Like the Discovery Channel. All of Ramallah is a jungle. There are monkeys, dogs, gorillas. The problem is that the animals are locked they can't come out. We're humans. They're animals. They aren't humans we are."
- Israeli border police (you can find at
5:03 of this video)
sneaky Israeli soldiers, الجنود الاسرائليين الجبناء

فرودگاههای شهرهای مختلف اروپا این روزها شاهد درگیری شدید پلیس با فعالان طرفدار آرمان فلسطین است که در چهار چوب برنامه ای تحت عنوان “به فلسطین خوش آمدید” با هدف ساخت یک مدرسه بین المللی قصد سفر به کرانه باختری را دارند- گزارش امروز یورو نیوز.

چند کلیپ موزیک از گروه موزیک آناری

برای خواندن متن ترانه اینجا را کلیک کنیم.
This is Shannon's song about the British armament industry and the people of East Timor:
With my Hammer by Seize the Day
You who see injustice all around
Yet have not the courage
Or the will to fight and stand your ground.
We who see but are too scared,
There are not enough of us prepared
To put our lives at risk time and again.

And then comes a drop of rain,
To the parched lips of the world
That needs to feel hope again.

"We are dying as a people and a nation,
A third of our people have been killed
In twenty-one years of illegal occupation."

Ten UN resolutions requesting
Indonesia to withdraw
They chose to ignore.

And a woman cries:
"If you are really human,
You'll stop them sending
These weapons to our shores."

With my hammer, I break the chain,
I will not remain in silence.
I will stand and I will defend my right
To fight against violence.
No prison can contain
The freedom that we gain
When we move through fear.

The laws of our civilized land are quite clear:
Selling weapons to dictators who murder, starve,
rape and torture, is illegal.

But there is timber there is oil on Indonesian soil
And there's money to be made from the arms trade.
"Our boys need jobs," you shout it from the rooftops.
But not one word of the lives lost or destroyed.

I cannot believe you continue to
Deceive yourselves in this way.
Or the people that you pay to make the jet fighters.

To think, to plan, it took a year to build trust
To work through fear.

Then at three am on a cold January morning
At BAE Wharton.
No one saw them, no one gave the warning.
Hawk jet ZH955 came alive
To the sound of singing hammers, the hanging of banners,
The scattering of seeds and ashes on its wings.
And the women waited to see what Justice brings.
For two point four million damage done,
Thirteen million for a new one.

We are not martyrs or heroines,
We owe so much to our friends,
Who held our courage in their hands.

And after half a year in gaol
They came before a court of law
And the truth the jury heard and saw
Stunned them into silence.
Then the verdict came - not guilty.

Justice had been done.
The celebrating could begin again.
Dancing, laughing, praying, weeping, crying.

And in
East Timor they danced
And laughed and cried some more.
And as the seeds of hope begin
To settle on the ground
A gentle rain begins to fall...

Seize the Day is a
UK Band
Gig List - Downloads
Campaigns - CD Sales


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